Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Blues and Greens

Today is Ash Wednesday, and normally I talk about big days in the church.  But not tonight.  I just can't do it tonight for a lot of long and boring and complicated reasons.  I wrote about it last year, so if you want, you should go read that for more of my thoughts on the day.  In the meantime, the Pinterest Friend has once again been busy sending me fun shoes.  I'm going to share those tonight because they cheer me up.

We start with my favorite color (of course).  These are so stinkin' cute.  I love everything about them.

I feel like I've posted these before?  Not actually sure on that.  Maybe just something similar.  These look like a garden party to me.  Not that I've ever been to  a garden party.  And wouldn't wearing these mean you would keep sinking into the ground?  Hmmm....they also remind me of Easter.  I get Easter.  Let's go with that.

 Mom, Seester, Double A and SKD...March is your month!  So much green, so little time!  I really like these.  Not sure I'm in love with that particular green, or what I would wear it with, but I love the shape of these shoes.  I really need to find me a pair in this shape one of these days.

These are weird.  But a beautiful color and texture.  They also crack me up because they are both peep toe AND peep ankle!  But look!  A slingback I might actually be able to keep on my foot!  For that alone I might have to love these.  I'm also pretty sure this came from a shoe calendar.   You can just see parts of the stand at the bottom and on the left.

Good night.  Remember that you are dust,and to dust you shall return.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the green! Pair one look exactly like you. ME
