Monday, March 3, 2014


Being very uninspired, tonight I just typed in the word "shoes" and then clicked on "shoes for women" when it popped up.  Here are a few crazy things I came across:

I might have posted these before, but they are so intricately crazy that I had to post them again.  They are actually quite beautiful in a way, but the illusion netting ruins it.  They're like old lady stockings with beautiful designs attached (no offense to old ladies or their stockings).

Um....huh?  The shape is weird, but are those ring pops?  Who would wear these?

But wait!  If that weird shape isn't your thing, you can have a traditional pump!  These are actually a little better, only because you don't have as many complete ring pops.  It could just be a fun, bright pattern.  Still a no for me, though.

And now I'm just confused.  They're peep toe, so that explains some of the wonkiness of the front, but not all of it.  That is just one bizarre platform.  I love the color, though, and could maybe be persuaded favorably toward the shoe if not for the platform.

These are just a palate cleanser after the craziness.  They're picnic shoes!  They make me think of summer.  Curse you slingbacks for tempting me with this cuteness I can't have!

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