Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fruits, Veggies, and Sun

I woke up today in a surprisingly good mood.  It felt really good, and made for a lovely morning.  The hubby and I went for breakfast, and then headed out to the farmer's market for our weekly adventure of getting fruits and vegetables.  We juice a lot, so we buy a ridiculous amount of produce every week.  Which is good, because we get a crap-ton of good nutrients and it gets the hubby to actually ingest fruits and vegetables.  It was 80 degrees or so today (sorry, people who are still stuck in snow), and the sun was shining, so we had a great time walking around and hanging out.  In honor of a very good day, here are some very silly shoes.

These first 2 are different but very similar.  They are both crazy, but I think I want to wear them when I am old enough to be the nieces' crazy old auntie.

Peep toe plaid shoes with plastic fruit on them.  I like the plaid, but the fruit is a little too much, even for crazy old auntie mode.  Still crack me up, though.

Just when I think they can't get crazier...  This time I love the multicolored fabric.  I actually kind of like the aesthetic of the grape cluster heel, but only as shoe art and not an actual shoe.  Although I do live where there are lots of wineries...

Even pink, I kind of love these.  I wonder if they come in red?  They should since strawberries are red, but I would wear these in my more whimsical moods. watermelon shoes!  They had adult ones, too, but these were way cuter.  And they remind of the watermelon bag at my grandma's house that held all of the barbie stuff.

Fruit shoes.  Way less nutritional than real fruit, but a lot more whimsical and whacky.

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