Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day in Shoes

This morning the hubby and I went to the gym.  We lifted weights (legs today) and I started running again.  I can already tell my muscles are going to be very unhappy tomorrow.  And I totally want these shoes.

We ran errands.  Which requires comfy shoes in my book.  One of the errands was to Target, hence the red.

We played with puppies.  The hubby is teaching them to fetch.  Chalupah loves it.  Talullah is above such nonsense.  I'm trying to use logic to convince them to stop pooping in the house.  Puppy logic is not like our earth logic.

I did a little reading.  Not this book, but look at all those fun shoes.  Clearly I need to read this book.

I helped the hubby fill out some forms.  I hate forms.  After awhile they start looking like gobblydegook.

Sleepy now.  Good night.

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