Saturday, March 8, 2014

Shoe Poetry

I don't know why the title of this post popped into my head tonight.  Maybe because I once wrote a poem about shoes?  At any rate there was the thought, and off I went to search.  I came across this page that had multiple poems about shoes.  Who knew?    This is the one I liked best from that selection, called "Dr. Seuss Shoe Store," by Barbara Gorelick

Dr Suess has a store just full of SHOES..
A GAZILLION shoes I'm sure there must be
Line them all up, bet they'd stretch to the sea!

Small shoes and tall shoes and some with spots
He even has one covered with pink polka dots.. 
                                                ...... Lots of Dots....
Round shoes and square shoes and OH MY
Even lots of cool shoes you don't have to tie

A snake came in cause he was going to school
And wearing shoes at school is a VERY strict rule..
Now where could a snake wear a shoe you ask?
Well he wore the darn thing like a Halloween mask..

You can buy just one pair if your feeling thrifty
But poor old centipede -  he had to buy fifty
He first bought 25 pair that were bright yellow
Then 25 orange,now he's quite a colorful fellow

A kangaroo complained that his feet were sore
So extremely sore he could barely hop any more
We fixed him up with a spring loaded pair
Now he can happily hop from here to there

So if a GRANDUFULOUS sight your longing to see
 Dr Sues is waiting  at the corner of 7th and G
With shoes for the young and shoes for the old
HURRY, HURRY, before the purple ones are sold..
                                                              ...OH NO!..

It's cute, and I always like poems that are reminiscent of Dr. Seuss.  Let's look at some Seuss inspired shoes, shall we?

Green Eggs and Ham!

 One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!

Oh the Places You'll Go!

Little Cindy Lou Who, who was no more than 2!

Babies (possibly twins) wearing Thing 1 and Thing 2 shoes!

I would wear any of the shoes above (well, not the baby shoes, obviously), but these are awesome!  I could totally rock these, and they would go with almost everything!  I do love me some Dr. Seuss.  For tonight I will leave you with this thought:


  1. I think you need all of them, except thing 1 and thing 2 for whom I don't care. ME

    1. There were a ton of Cat in the Hat shoes, but I didn't post those because I don't really like it. But the baby feet were too cute not to share.
