Sunday, March 9, 2014


Today started with me slicing my index finger on the blender blade while I was loading the dishwasher.  It was my own fault; I wasn't paying proper attention.  It's not a bad cut, didn't even bleed for very long, but right on the knuckle, so annoying.  Later, when I was flossing, I got the floss in the wrong place and opened the stupid cut up again.  Bled a lot more the second time.  But, the day got better in that I got to hang out and have coffee with the BSF this afternoon!  I don't get to see her nearly as much as I would like as she has a crazy, insane schedule.  I also got to talk to my seester on the phone for awhile, which was also lovely.  I haven't been much of a phone conversationalist of late, so it was nice to chat with her.  The rest of the day passed quietly and uneventfully (except for a stupid headache).  All in all, not a bad day.

The Pinterest sent me this tonight:

These are adorable.  I need a pair, but I need the bee and the happy facing the other way so I could read them right side up.  Of course, this inspired me to go look for more bee shoes:

These are a little too realistic for me.  I like the brightness of the colors, but these are just a bit too spot-on. shoes that go with the first pair.  Actually, there were a TON of baby bee shoes, but I tend to get carried away with them, and decided to only go with the one pair.

Cute.  I  like that they don't match.

Also cute, but for some reason the eyes creep me out.

This reminds me of the honey jar that my grandmother had.  Oh, and this is also ceramic, not a real shoe, just in case you hadn't noticed already.  Which begs the question:  why would you want a ceramic shoe shaped like a bee hive?  I love shoes, but this isn't the kind of knick knack I would choose for myself.  Or anyone else, for that matter.

Thanks, PF, for once again sending me down an image search rabbit hole!

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