Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I didn't get to go home and eat corned beef and cabbage with my family, which makes me sad, but I celebrated in little ways.  I wore green.  

I drank coffee out of my shamrock cup (which I have been and will continue to do throughout the month of March).

I put on my sparkly shamrock socks long enough to take a picture.  It was warm again today, so I opted for capris.  Didn't think the hubby would let me out of the house if I wore the socks with them.

I drooled over the shoes Kate Middleton wore today and realized that I need a pair of shoes in a really good green.

Even the calendar got  into the spirit with green snakeskin shoes.  Which made me giggle.  They don't normally go with much of a holiday theme, but snakeskin on St. Patrick's Day?  Ha!  Get it?

The Pinterest friend also sent me a few pictures to celebrate the day:

Love these.  But then, I almost always love baby shoes.

These are really pretty.  I love the batik fabric with its gold swirls.

Sparkly green shamrock shoes.  What could be more appropriate?  I thought I had featured these last year, but I guess not.

I'm only the teeniest smidge Irish, actually more Scottish, but I still think it's fun to go with a theme.  Unless it's green beer, and then I'm out.

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