Thursday, March 27, 2014


It's been a busy couple of days around here, hence the lack of posting.  Turns out that Evette the elephant was, in fact, bronchitis.  And I have a sinus infection (although a rather mild one as those things go, so I'll take the small victory).  The coughing is so very not enjoyable, though.  It was productive for awhile and now it just hurts.  Yesterday I had a dental appointment that left half of my face numb for the rest of the day.  Good times.  BUT, the really really REALLY exciting news in our household is that the hubby got a new job!!!  This is so very exciting.  He is ecstatic and so ready to get started.  I am ecstatic for him.  In celebration, let's look at some new shoes for him to wear to his new job:

I'm assuming these are purple?  The lighting could be weird.  What I find weird is the yellow accent around the sole.  What's up with that?

A little more subtle, but still more color than the hubby would wear. He's a black, brown, and burgundy man when it comes to shoes.  I happen to really like the green.

No.  I love blue, and normally would be on board, but these are my high school rival's colors, and I just can't do it.  Another accent color and I'll allow it.

Now this pattern would be really fun in a pump or a ballet flat.  Not so sure about it for a man's dress shoe, though.

Oooh, fun!  The hubby actually has shirts in all  of these colors!  He definitely needs these.  These were listed as grooms shoes.  They don't have the right blue from our wedding, but it might have fun to have the hubby wearing the same color shoes as I was.  Again, he would NEVER agree  to it.  Oh well, boring footwear or not, we are off on a new adventure!


  1. You didn't seem to think your dad should wear that "lovely" pair of blue shoes for your wedding. ME

    1. Hmmmm...if I remember correctly, those shoes were just awful. I don't think Dad would have worn them anyway!

    2. You are so right but I had to tease a little. ME
