Monday, March 24, 2014

There's an Elephant on My Chest

I have a chest cold.  This is actually sort of funny (not ha ha) in that I always always get sick right after I do a camp at church.  Arts Camp started today so apparently my body thought it shouldn't deprive me of at least part of my routine and gave me the cold a week early.  I started coughing on Friday, but actually felt physically fine until today.  Now my throat hurts, I'm hacking up stuff, I have a fever, blah blah blah.  On the plus side, at this point in time I do NOT have a sinus infection!  This is a small victory for those of  you who know of my relationship with the damn sinus infection.  Anyway, since there is a small elephant who has decided to take up residence on my chest, tonight's shoes are all about elephants.

I can't tell if these are kid shoes or not, but I would wear them if they came in my size, because they make me smile.

The detail on these is pretty amazing, but I have to say they aren't to my taste.  I think I like my elephantine footwear to be whimsical rather than realistic.

These are so cute.  A little elephant conversation!

Again, realistic instead of whimsical, but come on!  They are shoes with an elephant butt on them!  I'm dorky and immature enough to admit that I find that amusing.
Baby shoes.  Of course.

More baby shoes.  There were actually pictures of these in a varieties of colors, but I was already carried away and didn't want to overload you even more.

I was going to be done after the last pair, but then I found this.  This is insane.  More of the suggestion of an elephant, so less insane than if it were a full-blown elephant shaped shoe, but still pretty whacky.

Again, I was going to be done.  I don't even like elephants this much.  I mean, I have nothing against, them, I find them very interesting, I love the elephant march in The Jungle Book, elephants aren't my go-to favorite animal.  But dang if there aren't a TON of shoes out there.  I got sucked in and couldn't stop. I mean, I had to include the heels, right?

And these were just a sweet little bonus.

Good night all.  I'm taking my elephant (I've decided to name her Evette) and we're going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Cute shoes! Hope the elephant goes away soon and the sinus infection stays away. ME
