Friday, March 21, 2014


I think I'm hungry tonight.  Either that, or the fact that I haven't had chocolate for 2 weeks is getting to me. Because tonight it's all about dessert-y kind of shoes.

It started when I found these adorable s'mores slippers.  Look at how happy they are!  Then, I started looking for other kinds of edible shoes.  (I realize these aren't edible, they are just what prompted my search.  That, and apparently hunger)

Sprinkle shoes!  I love these because they look like all of the sparkly shoes I love.  They'd be sticky if  it rained, though.  Unless they are shellacked or something.

Cookie shoes!  Will someone please find me a shoe shaped cookie cutter?  Or just make me some, since mine would never be this cute?
I'm not terribly fond of marzipan, but the details on these are quite fun.

And, of course, I had to include chocolate, even though I've done it before.  These are probably too pretty to eat, right?  It's like the chocolate bunny, though.  Instead of nibbling on the ears, I'd start nibbling on a heel, then maybe a toe, and before you know in my tummy.

I have to go to sleep now so I can stop thinking about yummy goodness.

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