Saturday, March 22, 2014


I had a super productive day today.  I read, crocheted, cleaned, did laundry (even put laundry away, which is usually where I fail at that task), baked (tried 2 different recipes to make a gluten-free, sugar-free cheesecake), took the puppies for a walk, gave them a bath, and trimmed their toenails.  Now, to many of you, this probably sounds like a normal day.  But for me and my lack of motivation, I'm feeling pretty darn proud of myself.  Smug, if you will.  Rather awesome, as a matter of fact.  Am I annoying in my smugness, yet?  To go along with my mood, I did a search for awesome shoes:

I'd definitely say these were awesome.  Love the bright, fun colors and all of the crazy drawings.

I'm not sure I'd classify these as awesome, per se, but they are kind of fun.  Probably should have been a part of yesterday's post.

These might not look awesome.  Until I tell you that they are covered in teeny-tiny romance novel covers.  I find this hilariously awesome.  I would wear these.
Well, these just speak for themselves, don't they?  I think DJ was into Bobby Jack stuff for awhile.

PS--The hubby came home and is currently eating the cheesecake.  He says it is awesome!

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