Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I haven't been posting, because I can't seem to think of a thing to write about this week.  It's not like there is nothing going on.  The hubby is traveling for training this week, so it's just me, the puppies, and the dragons (and I saw the dragons mating today, which was ODD.  It was like a train wreck, I couldn't seem to look away--but that's not exactly an appropriate thing to look for related shoes).  SKD came over last night for a girls' night and sleepover.  I made pizza and frozen yogurt and we watched Frozen (yay!), but I've already done enough posts on the movie and characters.  Today I got allergy shots.  Definitely not exciting.  Soooo...I'm kind of at a loss.  Usually when I can't think of anything to post I just start typing random things in to the image search.  Didn't work for me tonight.  Apparently the shoe muse is on vacation.  Basically I'm just posting now to tell you why I haven't posted.  Help!  I need inspiration!  Someone, please give me some suggestions...

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