Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I'd Rather Be Reading

I had many things on my mental to-do list today, and I got a few of them done, but I also spent a good chunk of the day reading the last 320 or so pages of a 534 page book.  It was lovely.  Sometimes when I get toward the end of the book I start reading faster and faster.  I always think I should slow down, but I can't.  I must know how it ends.  Even with books that haven't completely sucked me in, I can still find myself in that mad dash toward the finish.  So, since I've been reading, you get to read (more), too.

Mmmmm...yes.  Exactly!

Except once I finish that chapter then I'm usually left hanging and I have to start the next chapter.  And if I'm going to start a chapter, I may as well finish it...

Sigh.  Some of the best books have given me the best book hangovers.  It's kind of exquisite torture.

I admit it.  I'm a snob who doesn't understand people who don't like to read.  I mean, I do get that some people would rather do something else, and some people have difficulty reading that makes it not-fun, but I have loved to read my whole life, so part of me can't understand why everyone isn't like that.  If you visit my family, chances are good that you will walk into a living room containing 5-10 people, each reading a different book.  Drives my extroverted hubby crazy.  Where I can't understand people not reading, he can't understand people not talking.

This is a shoe blog, so now I will make you read some shoe quotes!  The BSF has this somewhere.  Refrigerator magnet, maybe?  And I have always liked it.  Some days I wish I had this much confidence.

I haven't actually bought shoes in months, but I have used this exact logic many, many times.

And this one just makes me laugh.  Yep!  That's why I wear them to church!

If you'll excuse me, I have to go read or I'll never get to sleep.


  1. READ, READ, READ!!!!! At least you have something to read, right now I'm out of reading material and very bored. ME

    1. I gave you the 2 books I had. We need to get you an e reader so you can get new books more easily.

    2. Well you know I devoured those 2 books within a couple of days of receiving them! ME

  2. I gave up tv and movies for Lent...which means I read every night. I will read a book from cover to cover, even if the book is BAD...which is my latest choice. (BAD) Mr. King's...Dome books...which I didn't know is (was) TV show (cuz I don't watch TV either) People out there...PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO READ... My choices are not good. I do prefer though, reading the book before seeing the movielll
