Friday, April 4, 2014


I woke up this morning and the headache was gone!!!  This was very exciting.  I got to go about my day in a semi-normal manner, which was quite lovely.  Despite that, I still am not feeling terribly inspired tonight.  Thankfully the Pinterest Friend has been quite busy lately, finding me all kinds of fun shoes.  Thanks, PF!  So, here you go.  Enjoy!

Want them!  These are definitely my favorite of this batch.

Want these, too.

Not sure about these. Love the polka dots, and they have  bit of  retro feel, but they're falling slightly flat for me.
I love this color.  If I were girlier, I would totally go for these.

Penguinos!  But, won't all the blood rush to their little heads?  These are stinking adorable.

I think I would like these better without the black floof in the middle.  Like the purpley colored flowers, though.
Take off the ankle imprisonments and these would be classic and great.

Good thing I have the PF to bail me out on nights like this.  Also, if there is weirdness in this post, it's because I've been typing it with Tallulah's nose on the mouse pad...


  1. I love the last pair. Surprised that you don't love them. Can see you in them just not with your robes. But with a cute dress. Kmc

    1. There's just something about the width of the ankle strap that throws me off. I think if it were skinnier I'd like them a lot more. And you're right...definitely not with the alb!
