Thursday, April 3, 2014

Light and Frothy

The hubby started work today!  He was very excited.  I almost wanted to take a picture of him when he left this morning, like a first day of school picture.  He looked very very handsome.  To celebrate my first full day alone in a rather long time, the universe decided to bless me with what might have been the worst headache of my life.  Good times.  I tried everything that usually works and nothing helped.  I finally took leftover Vicodin (my father was not impressed by this course of action), and got it down to a dull roar, but it never left, and it is starting to come back now.  Lovely.  In other words, I'm not totally coherent tonight, and I just want something light and frothy and pretty to look at for tonight's post. Since it's spring, here are some fun wedges.  You can make your own commentary on these, I'm going to go to bed and pray the headache stays in its baby form instead of its bitch-monster from hell form.

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