Thursday, April 24, 2014


Between high school and college I took some time off and did daycare for a family in my home town.  KGH was 2 1/2 when I started and KAH was 3 months.  I was only supposed to take a year off, but I fell in love with those babies and 1 year turned into 2 1/2.  Both of them had some funny ways of saying things, like all kids do.  My family still says hot weeder hider instead of hot water heater because KGH said it and it cracked us up.  KAH had his own language, though.  I swear I should have been able to count it as my foreign language requirement when I got to college.  One thing he did was to call animals by their sounds instead of their names.  Dogs were woofs, cows were moos, etc.  My favorite, though, was bunnies.  Bunnies don't really make sounds normally, so KAH promptly switched gears and called them hops.  That was a rather long way of saying that today we will be talking about hops.  You might have thought we were going to talk about jumping, or possibly beer, from the title, but nope.  It's still Easter, so we're going to talk about bunnies.  And because the PF sent me some really fun bunny shoes:

Oh my goodness do I love these.  So very adorable!

These are also cute in a sweet and goofy kind of way.  I can totally see a 5-7 year old rocking these.

Adorable.  Must find a pattern.  Although my tension is usually off and my baby shoes end up being slightly different sizes.  So they would be sibling bunnies instead of twin bunnies.

These are not from the PF.  I found them and had to share.  I love the blue with white polka dots, and would love whole shoe if it didn't mean WALKING ON THE HEAD OF A BUNNY.  What is wrong with people? Poor little hops.  I'd bet they'd have lots to say about this.

And one last picture.  My uncle sent this to me the other day.  These are slippers that were given to me.  They were very warm and comfortable.  Weird to walk in, though, as the heads were heavy and flopped around some.  I've never really thought it was all about me, though.  It's a running joke in my family, especially with me and my aunt, where we say this, but never actually mean it.

Ah, hops.  KGH is now 23 and got married last summer (so I guess she'd be KGHK now), and KAH just turned 21 yesterday.  I am oooooold.

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