Wednesday, April 23, 2014

To Post Or Not To Post...

...that is the question.  I haven't been posting much lately.  You being observant readers probably noticed this from the lack of posts.  The result is that I'm rather behind in things that I'd thought to post about.  Easter was Sunday, but it's the season of Easter until Pentecost, so I can still talk about it.  I actually bought new shoes for Easter!

I wanted these because they said Easter to me (they're much prettier in person).  But they didn't have any in my size, of course.  I swear, everyone wears my size, because it seems to be the one size that's always missing.  At any rate, no flowery shoes for me this year.  Now, here's where things got interesting:  I was shopping with the hubby, and the hubby is VERY opinionated.  He kept selecting black shoes.  I kept telling him I wanted something bright and fun for Easter.  Sadly, there were really no colorful shoes that I liked or were in my size.  I ended up with shoes of the hubby's choice (making him very smug):

Cute, but not my usual style choice.  I got lots of compliments on them, though, so they must have been OK.  The hubby also had a say in the dress I ended up getting (I couldn't figure out what dress to wear with these particular shoes), so then he was extra smug:

Again, not something I would necessarily choose for myself.  It grew on my throughout the day, but I kind of felt like I was trying to hard with the dress or something.  Maybe it's just a little more girly than I usually go with?  

So that's Easter.  And since Easter has come, I have broken out the Easter socks.  Usually I would wear holiday socks the whole month of the holiday, but this year the socks felt like Alleluia...they needed to stay in the drawer until Easter was actually here.  So yesterday and today since it was slightly cooler, I broke out the socks:

The top pair are new this year.  I think Mom bought me the second pair, but I could be remembering that wrong.  I love how bright they both are.

So, I just looked back last year's Easter post, and I'd actually forgotten about these shoes, which is crazy.  See what I mean about loving colorful shoes for Easter?

Happy Easter (season), everyone!  Please go eat some chocolate for me.  I can eat it again, but we need to spread the calories around...

1 comment:

  1. Mom did give you the green socks - bet you're shocked that they're green. I think I like your dress, kind of hard to see with the flash. ME
