Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Puppies and Pinterest Friend

The hubby is sleeping.  He's liking the new(est) job, but apparently it is wearing him out.  I barely see him right now. He leaves at 5 am, gets home about 8 pm, and is in bed within an hour of getting home.  So he is sleeping, and I am snuggling with puppies.  Today was a pretty good day.  I woke up with massive headache and so exhausted. I've been exhausted for almost a week now, and I'm hoping it's just my period (sorry, guys) and not something else.  Anyway, the day started out rough, but improved by late afternoon, for which I am grateful. Let's celebrate a better afternoon with some shoes from the Pinterest Friend.

How cute are these?  The nieces  have some adorable ladybug dresses my mom made for them, and I think these would be adorable with them.  They wouldn't quite match, but hey, ladybugs!

Um...OK.  I'm assuming this is sculpture, but I really want it to be a slide.

Very Easter-y!

Really cute.  Whenever I wear my gray shoes someone always complains that they are boring, not colorful enough.  Sure, this one isn't as bright as some others, but I love how simple and classy this shoe is. 

These are also very Easter-y?  I just can't with these. Way too much pastel crammed into this one pair of shoes.

I'm not sure what to say about these, either.  The PF said she had to look twice at the slits in the sides, and I have to agree.  I think they are supposed to add interest, but it's a little too much on shoes that are still boring.

These, on the other hand, I would definitely wear.  So cute!  Have I ever mentioned that I have a love of spectator pumps?  And yet, I've never owned a pair. 

Holy cute, Batman.  Love these. love the color, the flowery part, the flower detail, the fact that they are Mary Janes.

PF is right, too many textures.  I don't think I'd mind the straps if these were one color, or even one color with a contrasting heel.  As it is, there is just too much going on here.  Coco Chanel (I think) said before you leave the house you should take of one accessory so you aren't wearing too much.  I think this shoe could have benefited from that advice.

Well, it's a tough job, but I have to go snuggle these puppies some more before bed.  They got a bath tonight, so they are all soft and sweet smelling.  I'm ignoring the mild case of of hives I've got under my chin, so I guess it's love.

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