Monday, April 28, 2014


Hey, remember how excited I was a few weeks ago when the hubby got a new job?  Here's a little follow-up for you:  So, he started on April 3rd, and had 2 days in the office.  The following week he flew to LA for 5 days of training and had a great time.  He came back excited and ready to get started.  Then he had is first full week in the office and there started to be some red flags.  Nothing major at first, and nothing he didn't think he wouldn't be able to work through and with, but it was  definitely a let-down after the excitement of training.  Then the following Monday (2 weeks and 2 days into this adventure), he got to the office only to find that the company had been bought out.  There wouldn't be an definite decisions for 3-4 months, but after that no one knew what would happen with existing sales staff.  Oy...can nothing be easy?  The hubby, who always has a backup plan, contacted the other company that had offered him a job at the same time as this one.  They came back with another job. On Wednesday the hubby talked to his manager, got out of his contract, and started with the new company today.  Whew!  How insane is that?  We are off on another adventure, after not fully settling into the previous one.

Speaking of adventures and transitions,  I can update you on things with me now that letters have been mailed to the congregation, and an announcement was made in church yesterday.  I have decided not to go back to St. Someone's now that my 60 day leave is done.  Instead, I will be taking Long Term Disability for awhile until I'm feeling better.  Don't get me wrong, I do feel better than when I took the leave, but not well enough that going back would be a good idea.  I did not come to this decision lightly, and I feel awful about leaving the people there whom I have grown to love.  But, my health is important and going back would have been a major set-back in my progress, I think.  It wouldn't be fair to me or the congregation for me to go back when I can't give them my best.  It's such a weird feeling to be in this place.  Part of me feels like something of a failure for going on LTD. It's not a place I ever thought I'd be, and it's not entirely comfortable.  Since it's a mental disability, sometimes I wonder how it looks to others.  I mean, I look fine physically; there is no reason I shouldn't be working right now, especially in a job that isn't particularly physically demanding. I'm really trying to stifle those thoughts, though, because they aren't helpful, and they aren't true.

So, we are once again in some major transition.  I tend to like to stick to my comfort zone, so transitions are hard for me.  Since much of my life is outside the comfort zone, I'm going to turn to comfort shoes (way fewer calories than comfort food), which in my case is blue.  Duh.

And t-straps.  I would like these, please.

And polka dots!  Wouldn't these be fun for 4th of July?

More polka dots, and an ankle strap.  Again, yes, please.

Blue suede.  With a fun pop of green for all of my greenies out there.

Mary Janes.  Adorable.  Want them, too.

See?  I feel better now.  I'm coveting, but I feel better.  Oh, and I'm also now singing "Transition!" to the tune of "Tradition!" from Fiddler on the Roof.


  1. I saw some shoes very much like the first pair in Zootown today, just different colors. I can just imagine you at the island in the second pair. ME

    1. In your imagination am I rolling down the hill into the lake because I was dumb enough to wear heels to the island?
