Friday, April 18, 2014


So...I might be broken.  Shoes just aren't doing if for me lately.  I haven't been posting for a lot of reasons (depression causing major lack of motivation being a big one, not being at church for Holy week comes into play, and other stuff).  I know I told you I'd give you a post and explain everything, and I will, but I have no inspiration right now.  Oh, and thank you for all of you who sent me fun thoughts to inspire me, and especially the Pinterest Friend who continues her excellent work as my self-appointed intern.  But I look at shoes and think.  Eh.  Whatever.  Occasionally I get mildly excited or horrified, but not often.  And you know what else is weird?  Today (as well as other days lately), I was in a fairly good, kind of goofy mood, and also grumpy as hell.  (How grumpy IS hell? is what I would ask the hubby if he said that)  I don't know, y'all.  I just don't know.  In happier news, SKD took me out for a late birthday lunch and a pedicure today, which was lovely.  For the first time ever we chose the same color and now have matching Easter toes:

I'd actually had pretty spring toes before, as well:

But the puppies like to lick and bite my toes, so that tends to ruin the prettiness.

Thank you, fabulous friend, for getting me out of the house!  Even though I know your real reason for inviting me is so you can see the puppies...

Hopefully I will snap out of this funk soon, because Shoetopia without shoes is just...topia.  And that's boring.

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