Thursday, May 29, 2014

First Time

Poor Laughter is still sick. She did ok this morning, but as the day progressed her fever kept getting higher. Her mom and dad are worried about strep, so we might be taking her to the Urgent Care tomorrow. Poor baby. They leave on Saturday, so I hope she feels better before she has to fly. Needless to say, we didn't do much today, but one fun thing we did was to have Auntie-Niece pedicures. It was the first time for both girls and they loved it. They were both really good, too, sitting still and being patient. Especially Flower, who had to wait for her person to finish a manicure before she could do Flower's toes. I think I was almost 30 before I got my first pedicure, so it was a lot of fun to watch the girls' reactions to everything, and to watch other people also watching their reactions and saying how cute and sweet they both are.

Look at how pretty our toes turned out!

After pedicures we had lunch and I got to introduce my Montana family to Chipotle. Yum!

This evening Laughter stayed home with her daddy to rest and snuggle (and play with the puppies without having to share with sister) while the seester, Flower and I went shopping. We each found a maxi dress we really liked and got them, and got a pair of adorable pants for Laughter. Even though it's hot here, all she has wanted to wear is paaaants. Shopping with Flower is way fun. It's like having a personal shopper, because she kept finding really cute stuff for us to try on. We all tried out clothes on together and had a totally fun and girly time critiquing each outfit.

So, a lazy but lovely day again. If poor Laughter wasn't sick, it would have been just about perfect. Too bad they have to leave soon and I won't get to play with them anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're all having such a good time. Hope baby girl feels better. ME
