Wednesday, May 28, 2014


My seester, brother-in-law and nieces got here last night! It is so awesome to see them all (you should see the hubby and the brother-in-law-law, they have a whole bromance going on). We didn't get home from the airport last night until after, and by the time everyone settled down it was about 1 am, which is 2 for the Montanans. So today was a lovely, lazy day. Flower and Laughter spent the whole time trying to pack the puppies around, and the puppies spent most of the day running and hiding from the nieces. Once we convinced them the puppies would come snuggle if they just sat down and were still for more than 30 seconds things got better. In fact both puppies are currently sleeping with Flower. Poor Laughter has a fever, though, so she's snuggling her mama instead of puppies.

Holy wow am I tired. I love every minute with the family, but from the moment their eyes popped open this morning it has been, "Auntie Sarah, watch this. Auntie Sarah, come here. Can I hold a dog? Can I give the puppies treats? Can I hold a lizard? Can we watch a movie?Why can't I play with your nipples?" Yeah, that last one was Laughter. She has a fascination with breasts right now. Apparently Flower has a fascination with nakedness in general as we talked about it quite a bit. She asked me if Uncle has seen me naked. I said yes, because we are married.

Like I said,I have loved every minute of today, but it's made me think maybe I shouldn't have children. Not because I don't want them, I do, and always have. But today made me wonder if I am too old and too tired and too mentally unhealthy for it. But I will admit that the snuggles and giggles are nice.

Both girls got new sandals for the trip. I will try to get pictures, but for now let's look at shoes that don't belong to the nieces.

I also shouldn't have children because I would buy them you many damn pairs of shoes...

PS - I think I'm getting a sinus infection.

1 comment:

  1. So you and Laughter can be fevered together. Feel better and enjoy the girlies. ME
