Sunday, May 25, 2014


That has been me the last 2 days, grumpy grumpy grumpy.  For no real reason that I can articulate.  I've just been a snarly, moody mess.  Maybe hormones.  Maybe not.  All I know is blah.  And that I want to kick the hubby.  (just because he's around.  but I haven't.  but he is the one that has had to put up with the grumps)  I'm pretty sure I need this shirt:

This way, on mornings I wake up feeling snarky, I could put it on and give everyone fair warning.  Maybe I should get more than one, in multiple colors.

In an effort to cheer myself up, and sort of going with the theme, tonight's selection of shoes features hippos.

Blue baby hippo shoes!  I'm cheerier already.

These are hilarious.  Maybe I need to start a collection of whimsical Birkenstocks with animals on them.  People already think I'm weird, so why not?

These look rather snuggly and comfy .

These are adorable and I want a pair.

These might actually be cows...

Must.  Find.  Pattern.

I almost missed these, and I'm so glad I didn't because these might be my favorites.

That helped.  The grumpapotamus has been cheered up by the hippopotamus.  Lots more than one, so technically hippopotami.  Hopefully the cheer will carry over into tomorrow.s

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