Saturday, May 24, 2014

Their Logic is Not Like Our Earth Logic

Thankfully the hubby's car has been fixed, but not without some crazy drama.  It turns out that the battery is in the trunk.  OK, good to know.  So the hubby took the battery out and took it to be tested.  Sure enough, it was bad, so he bought a new one.  He came home and tried to open the lock.  No luck.  Of course, without a battery, the power button and key fob didn't work, but we couldn't even open it WITH THE KEY!  How does this make sense?  So off I went to Google where I found the solution of opening the hood (thankfully we could still pop that), opening a specific compartment, hooking the positive jumper cable to the bolt in the compartment and the battery, and grounding the negative cable on the frame of the car.  Thank goodness it worked, and thank goodness the new battery fixed the problem.  Seriously, though, how is this sensible?  So...what, you're just not supposed to close the trunk once you take the battery out?  Ever?  One guy online said he had to order his battery.  Apparently he was supposed to leave his trunk open for several days?  I'm glad the problem is fixed, but it was all a little ridiculous.  Speaking of ridiculous, check out these shoes:

Loafers had a baby with a diorama?

Prom corsages had a baby with stripper shoes?

I don't even know what was having babies here.

Clown shoes had a baby with Duplos and day-glow patent leather?

Go home, shoes.  You're drunk.

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