Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Memory Jogger

Some of the questions my Dr asked when we were talking about my leave and disability were about memory and concentration. Could I focus? Was I forgetting things? Did I know what day of the week it was? I did ok on the stuff he had me do to test all of this, but lately I've been noticing a decline. For instance: I have a hair appointment tomorrow at 1:45. Since the fabulous woman who cuts my hair is in the same town as the church I planned a couple of other errands since I would be making the trip. Imagine my surprise when my phone went off at 1:15 today reminding me of the appointment. Thankfully I had screwed up and put it in at 1:30, so I got a reminder a half an hour before instead of fifteen minutes. But since it's still 35 minutes away, I was late, even with some creative interpretations of the speed limit. Thankfully she was still able (or kind enough) to fit me in. Memory, concentration, and knowing days of the week? Not so much, apparently. But I have found the solution:

Shoe memory games!

They're fun for the whole family, and good for your brain!

Do we really have to specify that they're "lady" shoes? Can't you pretty much tell? 

It even comes in a handy app so I can play it on my phone!

It's the perfect solution. If only I could remember to buy one...

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