Thursday, May 15, 2014

Down the Pinterest Rabbit Hole

I've been neglecting the recent contributions of the Pinterest Friend, so let's take a look, shall we?

Blue. Polka dots. Ankle straps. Does the PF know me or what?

She was horrified enough by these until she found an entire board filled with them, and then she was even more traumatized. I'm sparing you the whole board because I don't want you to need therapy.'s a good way to use the doilies around your house...?

I love these in blue! I have them in coral!


Speaking of coral, this is the perfect segue into the party where I got excited about wedges and went searching for more on Pinterest.

I want to like these. I like the colors and the straps, but they just aren't quite right.

Sigh. Love.

Love the color, love the straps, sad about the slingback.

I really like these, but I'm not sure I could pull them off. The fabric reminds me of an outfit I had in junior high. It was shorts, a tank top, and a jacket. My sister had one in different fabric. We were awesome and wore them for Easter.

Enough shoes for the night. I now have to be mean and make the puppies wake up and go outside.

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