Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Shoulds and Dreams

I keep meaning to do another calendar post.  I haven't done one since the end of February, and there are definitely some shoes that you should see.  Every day I think I'm going to do it.  And every day I can't seem to work up the energy.  It's not like it's that difficult, all I have to do is grab the camera, take the pictures and upload them.  This isn't that difficult.  But it feels difficult for some reason.  This is not an uncommon problem these day.  There are things I feel like I should do every day, and I always manage to accomplish some of them, but there are others that just don't happen.  I should clean the bathrooms.  I should finish that file organizing project.  I should mop and vacuum, I should work out, I should do yoga, I should work on that crochet project that is just sitting there, and this and that, blah blah blah.  My friends keep telling me to be gentle with myself, and I'm trying, although I've never quite figured out how to do that, exactly.  So then it becomes something I should do.  My therapist told me that in many ways I'm lucky to have this time because it means that I have time to dream about what comes next.  She said to take some time just to daydream and see what ideas bubble to the surface.  And somehow this now feels like something I should do, something that I'm failing to do.  It's not that hard, right?  For goodness sake, it's not even doing anything, it's just daydreaming.  Just letting my mind wander.  Since I can't seem to daydream (although holy crap I've been having WEIRD crazy-detailed dreams the last couple of months), I'm going to incorporate dreams in with the shoes.

Most of these are what came up when I typed in dream shoes.  No idea why, really, on some of them, except that the words dream and shoes appeared somewhere in the original post.  Although, actually this pair looks kind of ethereal, so I can see why they might be sort of dream-like.

That is a very cool heel.  I think they're probably wedding shoes.  I wish I could see these in a color; I think they would be even better in a color that contrasts a bit more with the detailing.

There is nothing dream-like about these, but they're cute. Sadly I would mess up the white parts in no time flat.

And then I found these.  I don't know about dreams, but I love love love them.  I love the gingham, of course, but I really like the details on the top. I thought the first one might be a shoe clip, but the second one is definitely part of the shoe.

Awww....sleepy baby shoes.  I think those are supposed to be bears?  Not completely sure, though.

Dang, could THIS be more appropriate for this post?  The shoes as shoes aren't that attractive, but art I like how they look with the rest of the picture.

PS--This was actually last night's post, and I would have gotten it posted relatively early if my internet hadn't crashed.  I tried to fix it for over an hour and then gave up and went to bed.


  1. Now I know why you chose blue wedding shoes. The gingham ones are really cute. ME

    1. Because I'm a blue freak, of course.

    2. Who apparently is unable to keep white shoes clean. :-)
