Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Hey, did you know it's Mother's Day?  If you've been on facebook today, it's hard to miss, what with all the fun posts about moms.  Moms of all kinds should be celebrated today.  Biological relationships aren't always healthy or helpful, but moms aren't always biological.  Real moms of all kinds are those who love and support and listen and kiss booboos, and million other things.  So let's celebrate some moms with some shoes.

True story.  And you all know how much I love me some shoes.  But my mom, and the other moms in  my life are way better than event the hottest shoes.

I've never actually worn Toms, but I thought these were sweet.

Baby shoes with a pretend tattoo?  I think yes.

These pretty much speak for themselves.

Some day I will hopefully have a little girl that I will get to wear matching shoes with.  You know, until she's old enough to tell me off.

Because how cute is this?

Happy Mother's Day!  If you are a mom, I hope you get spoiled today.  If you have a mom, don't just spoil her today, but every day!

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