Thursday, May 8, 2014


Absolutely nothing happened today.  OK, that's not true.  When my nieces say they're doing nothing, I always ask them if they are breathing, blinking, sitting, standing, etc.  Of course stuff happened today.  There was breathing and reading and feeding puppies and giving dragons a bath and some errands; all of the usual stuff.  But nothing really blog-worthy.  So, skip the boring day and move straight to the shoes.  Lets talk about spectator shoes.  I mentioned recently how much I liked them, but I've never actually done a post on them.  Let's look, shall we?

Kind of an Oxford, kind of not.  I like the cutouts, though, they add some fun visual interest.  And you can't go wrong with classic black and white.

T-straps!  Love the details of the bow and the buttons.

Love the blue, like the brown, not sure about the fringy stuff on the red.  I think I would like it if that stuff wasn't there.  I like that they put the purple bow with the red accent.

Yes.  Please.  Someone PLEASE invent a replicator like on Star Trek so I can just order up shoes   whenever I want.  Oh, and a teleporter while you're at it.  Thanks, you're the best.

The shoe itself is just OK, but I love the turquoise brocade.

Green peeps, what do you think?  I like the color of the green, but not so sure about the shoes overall.

Yes.  A million times yes.  Be still my heart, I think I just had a shoegasm.

Oh, so one thing that happened today was the inevitable wasting time on Facebook.  I took a quiz to tell me what career I should really have.  How they know in 10 questions is up for debate, but it's an internet quiz, not like I was actually going for discernment purposes.  Anyhoo, the quiz said I should be a writer.  I've always kind of sort of not so secretly but also secretly wanted to write children's books, but I really don't think of myself as a writer.  The PF pointed out that I WRITE a blog, so I was already writing.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  For now I shall stick with my current job of puppy snuggling, even though it makes my nose and eyes itch.


  1. Not my favorites, but that shouldn't surprise you! ME

  2. OK, I have not been on here in like...FOREVER...but this was a good day to come back! I LOVE and can really see you in the ones you wanted the replicator for, and the shoegasm ones...hadn't heard that "gasm", but it's a good one, as most of them are. I have not talked to you in about 2,147 years, so you should either write to me, call me, or send yourself to me when you get that teleporter - or me to you, either is fine, so I can check in with you. As you know, I am pretty much FB illiterate, so maybe you could teach me how to use the darn site so people wouldn't keep getting frustrated that they have to WRITE to me because I don't know what's going on in their lives! (I keep wondering what's going on with my sister, so my friend Danette tells me "Oh, today she's working in her garden." and things like that. I find it very demoralizing that I have to find out about my sister from my friend.) OK, enough about me...I'm glad I came back to ShoeTopia, and will keep up a little better from now on, except during my upcoming trip to Kentucky...yep...Kentucky. And yes, it's going to be a lot of fun!!! I'm very excited...I'll report when I return. OH...I just realized that was a whole lot more about me! Sorry. Better stop. Hugs...Jo
