Saturday, May 10, 2014

Eye Roll

This will be quick because I'm posting on my Kindle and I'm already up later than I intended. The reason for that would be the puppies. I left the office door open for 2 minutes while I went to answer a question for the hubby, and one of them zipped in there and pooped on the carpet. So I banished them outside, cleaned it up and sprayed it with Resolve, but I didn't realize there was still the scented baking soda stuff in the carpet from whenever the hubby used it last. So as I was scrubbing it started coming up and I had a delightful asthma attack. Eye roll number one.

Eye roll number two is that in addition to the 10-20 bruises, scrapes etc that I always seem to have, I noticed that the very tip of my nose is bruised. I have no idea how this happened. How does a person even go about bruising the tip of their nose?!

OK, a couple of pictures from SBP since I haven't featured any lately, and these are crazy bright and fun.

The first pair is my favorite, but I'm actually really liking the crazy yellow-green ones, too.

Good night. Hope the rest of your weekend is free from puppy poop, asthma and odd bruising.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the rest of your week-end is also! ME
