Monday, June 23, 2014

Alcohol or Chocolate

 The puppies have been driving me absolutely crazy today.  It started this morning when I discovered they'd pooped in 2 different spots in the house and peed  in a couple others.  Chalupa would NOT stop barking.  Only Tallulah got a treat at bath time because Chalupa jumped out and ran all over the house, spraying water everywhere.  They are chewing frigging everything.  Tallulah keeps licking my underwear, regardless of whether I'm wearing it or not.  Yeah.  Yuck.  I realize these are just puppy things and they will get better, but today I woke up with a pounding headache and dealing with stinky puppies was not on my list of things to get excited about.  If I was drinking right now I think I would have definitely indulged in something.  Instead I went with chocolate.  I got sucked in by the peanut butter cup Oreos at the grocery store tonight.  Yum.

But enough grumpy puppy stories, let's move on to shoes.  I actually quite enjoyed a calendar picture for once, which hasn't happened much lately.  This was the picture from the weekend:

Terrible picture, but they are really cute lime green and turquoise flats.  They reminded me of the shoes the BSF wore to my wedding, and a pair I picked out for Double A in a recent(ish) post.

Obviously (hopefully), hers are the green and blue ones under the green dress.  They are super cute, and I am jealous, especially since she can wear slingbacks when I can't.  Bitch.

I wish I knew what these are, because they are so very Double A.  She would look adorabl(er) in them.

I actually forgot to turn the calendar to today's picture until around 5:00 tonight, and I'm glad I did, as today's picture was this:

I didn't need to stare at this all day.  Pink stilettos with gold spikes and toe fluff.  I've decided that the woman who would wear these is a biker chick with a pink poodle.

But back to green and blue.  Here are some more selections for you:

Cute!  And I've probably posted them before, but oh well.

Also cute.  I wish they weren't leather in the back and suede in the  front, though.  Just makes it look like they took 2 different shoes and smooshed them together.  And maybe that's how they're supposed to look.  Who am I to judge?  Just kidding, I totally love to judge!

I admit it.  I like these. I would wear them.  Except that I seem to have lost the ability to walk in heels.  I wore a pair for roughly an hour yesterday and then said screw it and put on flats. Let's pretend that since these are wedges I could still wear them, kay?

Just no.  Unless it's the 80s and then maybe.  Nope.  Still no.

This is crazy.  I almost like it.  Not totally, but almost.  I think the toe is square.  Odd choice; I think they would look better with a pointed toe.

Well, the puppies are asleep and looking adorable, so I think I should enjoy the quiet for awhile.

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