Sunday, June 22, 2014


A good chunk of my day was spent with amazing people.  There was chocolate and laughter and a couple of reminders: 1.  I haven't actually forgotten how to socialize!  I'm now exhausted, but that's not unusual.  2.  I received many life- and gift-affirming comments, which was nice.  Wait, that 2nd one isn't written as a reminder, but I'm sure you get my point.  What I'm saying is that today was a win, and I enjoyed it very much.

Just for kicks, I typed in "life affirming shoes" for tonight's search, and this is what popped up first:

Not my cup of tea, necessarily, but kind of cute and funny.  No idea why these are life affirming, but at least they're interesting.  And then THESE were immediately after:

Oh.  My.  God.  Literally.  Are these blasphemous?  Am I going to hell for laughing at these?  Do I need the top pair?  Still less weird than the 3rd pop up:

What the hell?  I mean seriously, what is going on here?  THAT'S THE WRONG END, PEOPLE!  Again, what do these have to do with affirming life?  Although, I am currently laughing at the stupidity of these pictures (and there were lots more), so maybe that's how it's life affirming?  Giving me reason to laugh?

Despite weird shoe pictures, it was a good day.  Except for one thing:  The puppies ATE their first pair of my shoes.  The shoes were old, I got them the weekend of seminary graduation, so 7 years ago.  They weren't fancy, just cute, blue slip-ons.  But still.  The little beasts snuck into the hubby's office when we were elsewhere in the house and attacked the shoes I'd left under his desk while working this morning.  It's a good thing they're cute and snuggly, because I might have had to banish them forever otherwise.  Bratty little shoe eaters.


  1. You're in trouble now that they have tasted your shoes. Shoes may have to be banished to protect the puppies. ME

    1. So far I've been much better than the hubby at keeping my shoes out of teeth range (they've gotten 3 pairs of his), but the puppies are getting sneakier.
