Monday, June 16, 2014

Cheeky Moose

On Saturday as I was looking for images of moose shoes, I came across a series called Cheeky Moose shoes.  I didn't include them because they really don't have anything to do with moose.  Turns out they're from our friends at Irregular Choice, and they are just as odd as you would expect from that brand.

I have absolutely no idea why they named this particular line cheeky moose.  If you have any thoughts feel free to let me know.  They're definitely interesting, I'll give them that, but they are somewhere between cute and just plain weird.  I've also never understood making the soles of shoes pretty.  They're just going to get dirty and gross, and then the pretty is gone.  Oh well.  Cheeky Moose booties.   Who knew?  I'm thinking the auntie is probably not going to rush out and buy any of these particular moose shoes.


  1. I agree with Trisha that they are a craft project / flower vase run amok! ME
    By the way your dad says he does read your blog.

    1. My dad reads my blog?! Mind blown a little bit.

  2. You are correct - I will NOT run right out and get a pair. They are just too much; too much floral, too much lace, too much weird. Your uncle also reads your blog!

    1. For some reason, I am less surprised about the Uncle than the Dad. Weird huh?

    2. Weird. Not sure I understand why.
