Sunday, June 15, 2014


Facebook has been full of all sorts of great pictures of great pictures of all of my friends' fathers today.  I have some great dads in my life, starting with my very own daddy.  He's awesome.  He's human, so of course he has flaws.  In fact, he doesn't read my blog, so I could tell you all of them and he'd never know.  But that would be rude.  And I love him with all of his flaws, like he loves me with all of my flaws.  We're cool like that.  I hope you have/had a great dad in your life, whether biological or something else.  

So.  Father's Day shoes.  My own dad isn't that much into shoes.  Give him a pair of sandals in the summer and some comfy shoes in the winter, and he's pretty much good.  Instead, we'll look at some shoes from the year he was born:

Yeah, mens shoes don't change much, do they?  At least not the classic ones.  These are from 1942, but the hubby has some shoes right now that are pretty similar.

Another fabulous dad in my life is my brother-in-law, Flower's and Laughter's dad.  He was born in 1969, when shoes weren't quite so classic.  These are awesome.  You know, in a dated, kind of horrible way.  I love the red buttons.  Wonder if I could talk the hubby into these?  He and my BIL are 3 days apart, so same birth year.  And yeah, I know I couldn't talk him into these.  Definitely wouldn't be able to talk the bro-in-law in to them. 

Finally 1971, the year my brother was born.  He is DJ's, Double A's, and The Bean's dad.  These completely crack me up.  They are such grandpa shoes.  I'm going to get them in all of these colors for the brother for Christmas.  Because, you know, I like to torture him.

Happy Father's Day to all of you!  Whether you're a father or the child of a father, however that relationship came about, then I hope you celebrate those relationships today and every day.

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