Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Friends and Shoes

The Pinterest Friend has gone on a t-strap and ankle strap shoe spree, it seems.  Does she know me, or what?  I do love me some strappy shoes, and she found some really cute ones.

Love love love these.  Again, why can't I just reach into the screen and have them for my very own?

These are really odd.  Kind of cute, maybe a little too busy?  Yes, I think it's just too busy.  Maybe make the shoe one color with the cute flower detail?  Or even 2 colors, without the heel and toe patches?

The back half of this shoe bugs me.  I'm not fond of the heel shape or the wrinkles in the fabric on the heel.  The wrinkles look messy instead of deliberate.  But the front of the shoe is retro perfection.

Blue suede t-straps.  Well duh, of course I love them.  It looks the brand is Qupid, too, which is one that I like.

Good job, PF, you managed to redeem the green spectator pump!  This is so much more adorable the ones I found.  I would like these in every color, please.

Want these, too.  I'm like the kiddos when they watch TV and every toy commercial that comes on they immediately say "I want that!"

Because it's true.  I want these too.  Clearly I need more polka dot strappy shoes in my life.

The bows are adorable.  I kind of wish the shoes weren't patent leather.  I would like them better if they weren't so shiny (can you believe it?).

So, the PF does it again and finds awesome shoes.  She is moving to Idaho in a couple of weeks and it will be sad.  I mean, she's going to an awesome part of the world (it would be more awesome if it were just a LITTLE bit further east), but she won't be here.  Although selfishly, the internet still exists in Idaho, so maybe she will still send me shoes!

1 comment:

  1. They all look very vintage to me and I love them!
