Thursday, June 19, 2014

Some Day Maybe I'll Be Awesome, Too

I got to spend time with some awesome people tonight.  The Camp Friend and her significant other had been in Napa and were on their way to the Bay Area for a wedding.  So I was lucky enough to get to have dinner with them as they traveled.  I haven't seen them since the wedding almost 2 years ago, and then I didn't get to talk to them much.  The hubby had only met them that once, so it was nice that everyone got to know each other a little better.  The CF and I worked at Christikon Lutheran Bible Camp for 2 summers in college.  The second summer she was head cook and I was her (hopefully trusty) assistant.  We laughed a lot, and she helped me survive both summers.  We worked together in the 90s, and as I've mentioned before, she had the biggest shoes I'd ever seen.  Not big feet, just those big, clunky 90s shoes.  She totally made them work.  I totally wanted to be like in her in lots of ways, and I'm very glad I had those 2 summers with her, and for our friendship since.  Tonight she was wearing wedge tennis shoes.  If you had said that phrase to me yesterday I would have rolled my eyes.  And yet once again, she totally makes them work.  I was a dork and didn't get a picture of her shoes (Oh crap! Or of us.  Dammit.)  Here are some I found in tonight's search:

Hers were black, so let's just pretend that I took a picture, OK?

I admit it. I like these.

These are just a little too 80s for my taste.  I like that they come in bright colors, but I'd never be able to pull these off.

I want to like these.  I love the crocheted side panels, and the colors.  I think this is an example where the wedge doesn't work because it makes these look like oddly shaped booties.

I like these, too.  I'm still not as cool as the CF, but maybe I could pull these off?

I'm so happy I got to be part of their California trip.  I got to hear about the book that the CF has written and is working on getting published, and it sounds really cool.  I can't wait to read it.  See how cool she is? 

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