Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's Awesome Having an Intern

It's late, I'm tired, my head is pounding and my laptop needs to be plugged in.  But the puppies are giving me guilt about posting.  It's amazing how effective they are at this while sleeping next to me and looking adorable and innocent.  Pinterest Friend to the rescue!  Or, as I like to think of her, my intern.  My unpaid intern who can't even put this on a resume, so clearly this title is for my ego rather than her benefit (sorry, PF).  But I digress.  Here is a sampling of her recent findings:

These first 2 are just funny to me, for very different reasons.

I'm not sure what's going on here.  2 different shoes, but with similar motifs?  I like the closest one, even though that is a crazy large something on the top there.  I think I like the other, but can't really tell.  And there might be a third in the back?

The first pair is kind of cute.  The second pair less so.  But seriously, people:  PUT DOWN THE GLUE GUN!

This is true.  The end.

I agree with the last line.  Could someone please make this happen?  I'd be there right now.

Good night.  Watch out for guilt tripping puppies.

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