Thursday, June 12, 2014


I woke up this morning to a PPR:  A Puppy Panty Raid.  I must not have closed the bedroom door tightly enough because they managed to get in.  They aren't allowed in the bedroom unless we bring them in to snuggle on the bed.  So of course the bedroom is the place they most want to be.  Every time they manage to get in they get in the closet and have a heyday with the laundry basket.  But for some reason they only take my undies and the hubby's socks.  I refuse to think about that too deeply.  I've been finding socks all over the house today.

Since PPR doesn't really make for a good segue into shoes (I don't want to know what would come up if I typed that into a search engine).  SBP posted a picture last night that was so ridiculous I figured it needed to be in a post.  Since I had one, I decided to peruse the site for more.  Here are my random selections:

WTH?  Why?  The shoes themselves aren't bad, but what is up with the giant puff balls?  They are way too ridiculous.  On the other hand, you would always have something with you to buff your shoes if they get scuffed.

For my green friends.

Um...OK.  I'm all for color, but what is going on here?  These are hilarious.

More color.  I like these better than the top pair.  Definitely would have been in my color palette in the 90s.  I didn't really wear heels then, but I would have loved these.

I love both shoes and earrings, but please don't buy these for me.  A charm for my charm bracelet would be awesome, but I'm not so in to the earrings.  Although, sparkly!

More green.  There was very little blue, which stinks.

We started with WTH, so it seems appropriate to end with it.  Are these wedding shoes?  Are the heels leopard print?  You know how you're supposed to stop before leaving the house and take off one accessory?  These shoes need to adhere to that.  Way too much going on here.

Wow.  Early post today, are you impressed?

1 comment:

  1. Yes to the early post and just plain craziness to the shoes. ME
