Sunday, June 1, 2014

Oh, Puppies

I think the puppies are punishing us for Flower and Laughter being gone.  They were SO good while the girls were here.  They didn't poop inside once, they stayed out of rooms they aren't allowed in, and they didn't chew as much.  The last was probably because the girls fed them treats roughly every 37.2 seconds.  In fact, Laughter started grabbing hands-full of their food, sitting in the backyard, and feeding them a piece at a time:

So, the fam went home yesterday, and last night the puppies got into the hubby's office and chewed up one of his SD cards.  We're hoping it wasn't the one with he pictures of his great-grandmother on it.  Today they chewed up my ear buds and pooped in our closet.  If I wasn't ratting them out on the blog, I might have to put them up on Dog Shame.  Of course, the puppies manage to look guileless and innocent no matter what they've done.  I keep thinking of this part in the movie Hotel Transylvania that Flower, Laughter, and I kept quoting to each other:

And of course right now they are snuggled up next to me being all sweet.  Hopefully they will stop punishing us soon.

In the meantime, I will turn, as I so often do, to the Pinterest Friend to cheer me up:

Yes.  Love them.  Feeling better already.

Black, white, red, and polka dots?  Always a good cheer-up go-to.

Blue, white, yellow and polka dots?  Oh yeah.  I like these even better.

Not my favorite, but I love the classic black and white.  Might not like the bow so much, but these are definitely better than dog poop.  Wait...that's not a rousing recommendation.  I really do like them much better than what I just indicated.

These are wedding shoes, and they are really sweet.  I kind of wish they were baby shoes, though.  Sadly, these are exactly the kind of thing the puppies would totally want to chew on.

If things don't get better, they will be grounded for the rest of the century.

1 comment:

  1. Well of course you need to be punished if you let their automatic feeder disappear and what a cute one she is! ME
