Monday, June 2, 2014


Do you ever have those days where you feel like you were busy all day, but that nothing got done?  That was me today.  I know stuff got done, but I guess it feels like I didn't really make much of a dent in the to-do list.  Stupid list.  If only I could assign the puppies jobs and have them help me.  Unfortunately, they are still not on the best behavior.  I finally got tired of yelling at them today and banished them outside for the afternoon.

As I've mentioned before, I haven't been wearing heels much since I went on leave.  Since my days lately involve that to-do list and lots of errands, I have mostly been wearing practical shoes that give me really good support.  I wear my same few pairs of sandals almost all of the time, 2 of which are my Clarks Bendables.  I'm wearing the red pair today, so thought I'd go searching and see what else was out there:

I love the colors on these.  I know they should remind me of Fall, probably, but they for some reason still remind me of summer.

And we all know I love a red shoe.  The hubby would say these are too similar to the ones I already have:

And they are, but I still like both pairs.  You've actually seen these before, since I bought them last summer at the outlet mall.  They are very comfy.  And they don't make my feet smell, which is always a bonus of oft-worn summer sandals.

I think these are black, but in some lights they look blue, purple, or brown.  I'd take them in any or all of those colors.

This is the pair I just bought a month or so ago (again at the outlet mall).  I've been meaning to take a picture to show you, but hadn't gotten around to it.  I still haven't taken a picture, just got this one of the internet.  I've been wanting a pair of brown sandals forever and for some reason could never find a pair I liked.  Again, super comfy.  When I bought these the hubby said, "you already have a pair that looks like that, get something else."  This is the man who recently bought the same shirt in 8 million different colors. Who cares if they are similar if I like them and they fit well?
Yep.  I'd take these in every color, too.  Especially the turquoise.  And that's not red, it's more of a burnt orange or terra cotta, right?  So it wouldn't be another red pair of shoes.

I think these are blue.  They might be gray, but I have decided they are navy because it's my blog and I'll make shoes whatever color I want them to be.

There are a million more options out there, but I didn't want to go overboard on them.  Looking at all of the pictures kind of made me want to ditch heels and wear nothing but Clarks from now on.  Sign of the apocalypse?  Oooh, but the added bonus would be that it would drive the hubby nuts that all of my shoes suddenly looked basically the same!


  1. Hubby would be wrong the 2 red pair are only similar because they're sandals and red, both really cute. Of course if you ate your legs and had to flop on your belly - UP DOWN, UP DOWN - like Pippi's deer you wouldn't even need sandals. ME

    1. That kid cracks me up. Silly deer, eating their own legs!
