Saturday, June 7, 2014


So, it's Saturday and we ran a lot of errands.  Pretty much every Saturday the hubby announces we need to go somewhere.  4-8 hours later, we usually return.  I still haven't figured out why running errands with him takes so long.  No, wait, I do know part of it:  he constantly thinks of other things we should do while we're out.  I think we're about to go home and he's come up with 57 other things we can do.  Oh well.  I guess we get a lot accomplished?

Changing subject (sort of), you know how I love to just type stuff in to the search engine and see what pops up.  So today's phrase was "Saturday shoes."'s Saturday.  I never said I was terribly original with these searches.  Although maybe I should be.  Maybe one day I'll just type in something like "tootsie roll rainbow shoes" or "chihuahua unicorn shoes."  In the meantime, back to Saturday:

They're shoes that say Saturdays on them.  I don't know why, and I was too lazy to look it up.  I like the red, though.

High tops!  I like these even more.

And they come in blue!  Hopefully also in high tops, because these aren't doing much for me, despite my wearing of many, many canvas shoes back in the day.

These are odd.  And I have no idea what they have to do with Saturday, but I actually kind of like them.  Does that make me odd?  Wait, don't answer that.

Again, no idea on the Saturday reference, but I love the Eiffel Tower.  I don't hate the mustache.  I like that the 2 green polka dots above make it look like a face, but really, what IS the fascination with all things mustache these days?
You probably won't be surprised to find that these are Irregular Choice.  If they had a different heel, I would actually like them.

It's only Saturday for another 9 minutes or so, so I guess I should post this and go to sleep.

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