Sunday, June 8, 2014


Today is Pentecost in the life of the church.  It is the day Christians celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples.  The liturgical color of the day is red, so many churches encourage everyone to wear red.  I, of course, wear red shoes.  You can see the pair I wore last year here.  Awhile two of my pastor friends posted the following to my Facebook wall:

These are Prada, and I immediately said, "Pentecost shoes!" They are perfect because they are both red and flame-y (the Spirit appeared in the form of tongues of fire over the disciples' heads). 

So off I went to look for other red flame shoes for Pentecost, and I found some, but I also got sucked into the sheer number of variations there are on the Prada shoe.  I don't normally do a whole bunch of the same shoe, but I couldn't help myself.

Yellow, but still some red, so though they would still go with Pentecost.

But now we have green and blue, with little rockets on the back.  The flame motif isn't as obvious with these.  But I do love the color combinations of both.

Same color combo, different style, more obvious flames.

Green flames?  These look like they should go with a super hero outfit of some kind.

Some repeats , but it's easier to compare the differences and similarities.

For some reason these make me think of Christmas.  Christmas flames!

Valentine's flames?

I don't have a holiday for this one.  Maybe this is what Elsa from Frozen would have worn if she had heat powers instead of snow powers.

Whoa.  This makes me think of a racecar.

Flames and Roses.  Sounds like a bad grunge band.

These are down right boring comparatively speaking.  These must be the flame shoes you wear to the office.

I really had no idea this post would go in this direction, but I kind of liked it.

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