Thursday, June 26, 2014

SB With The PF

I mentioned before that the Pinterest Friend is moving to Idaho this summer with her family.  I used to see her almost every day at the church, but as neither of us is there any longer, we decided to meet for coffee this morning to hang out a bit before we left.  Mornings still aren't my strongest time of day, but I made it up and out of the house in kind of sort of OK time.  I was only a little late, thankfully.   But then it was a lovely visit.  We're going to try to meet up again before they leave in a a couple of wees, but after that I will have to plan my driving trips to MT so they go through what will be her new hometown.  She's a pretty amazing person, although hers is not my story to tell.  I can tell you, though, what I know best, and that is how she interacted with the preschool kiddos and church staff.  She is always kind, always has a smile.  It doesn't mean she never has bad days, but she manages to maintain that kindness even then.  Hopefully some child-related place in Idaho will soon be blessed with having her on staff.  In honor of our Starbucks' date this morning, here are her latest choices from Pinterest:

These are from the 30s.  I love the color, the basic style, and the ribbon laces, but would like them better with a different heel and a closed toe.  But no one asked me.  Probably because I wasn't alive in the 30s.  And because I have exactly no fashion or design experience.

I'm sure you can all fill in the comment section for this picture.  Of course I love them.

I like these, but maybe in a different color?  They're just a little too pastel for me.  Blue would be good, but I would take them in a variety of other bright colors (honest!).

I want to like these.  They are bright and have a bold pattern, which I like.  They would drive the hubby crazy (because he thinks I should always wear black shoes, crazy man), which is another added bonus.  But they're just a little off, and I'm not sure why.

Less in more, people.  Less.  Is.  More.

Take away the spikes and I'm in.  Is this green or turquoise?  I'm going to go with sea-foam green.  Which is the color of an old truck my dad used to have that was insanely fun to drive.

This has nothing to do with shoes, but it's perfect and makes me smile.  I agree...why do so many things have to be group activities?  Can't we all just hang out (in the same room if we have to) with our own books and be happy?  No?  Fine then.  Rude.


  1. Come visit, you know that's how things go around here. ME
