Monday, June 30, 2014


I went shoe shopping yesterday for the first time in forever.  Maybe not forever, but I haven't gone much because shoes aren't on the list of approved budgetary items for me right now (that's my decision, not the hubby's...we have other things to pay for right now).  Anyhoo, I recently received some awesome gift cards from some even more awesome friends and yesterday I decided to go peruse my options.   So off I went to DSW to happily wander the aisle.  I haven't been wearing heels lately as the puppies just don't seem to care what I wear on my feet, especially since they aren't allowed to eat them.  I mostly perused the sandals, although of course I did try on  few pairs of heels just to stay in practice.  It was fun just to be surrounded by the shoes, but a little frustrating for trying on purposes.  It seemed like every pair I found hat I liked didn't have my size.  If I needed a 7 they only had 7 1/2 or 8.  If I needed a 7 1/2 they only had 7.  Rude.  Then the hubby called (busted!) and asked why I was shopping for shoes.  I started to get annoyed until he said, you should wait until next weekend when the 4th of July sales will be going on.  Oooh, excellent point!  I did buy one pair, though as they were on awesome clearance:

Blue!  And Strappy!  They really do fit, my feet just slid down when I put them on the table.  And see?  I didn't give up on heels completely.

These are from Target, where I also had a gift card.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love gift cards?  These had multiple things going for them:  1. They were also on clearance.  2.  They're turquoise, and the puppies just ate my favorite pair of turquoise shoes.  3.  And this is the best reason:  They are named after Pippi!  Clearly Jesus wanted me to have these shoes.  (yes, I KNOW Jesus doesn't care if I buy shoes or's a joke.  Please don't send me snarky messages).  I haven't had canvas tennies in forever, so these are really fun.  Of course give me about 5 minutes, and I'll probably have them filthy, but oh well.  

Alright, it's late and I'm loopy from more albuterol.  Not as bad as yesterday, but still had to use the inhaler.  Time for me to stop watching weird reality television and go to bed.

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