Tuesday, July 1, 2014


As usual, I've waited way too late to post.  I keep getting sidetracked, apparently and then suddenly I'm ready for bed and I haven't posted.  You'd think I'd do it waaaay earlier in the day to avoid this silliness.  But I don't, and I didn't again today, so instead of me blah-blahing at you as usual, I'm just going to give you the pictures I had saved for today's post, and you can like or dislike as you wish.  You can also decide which ones you think I like or dislike.

I don't own any patchwork shoes, but there is a patchwork blanket awaiting me, and I shall now go join it.


  1. Laughter like all but the baby booties. ME

    1. Hmmm...she liked the boots but not the booties? I might have to worry about that girl... :-)
