Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I've been working on a project for the hubby to help him out at work.  It's not hard, but it is time consuming.  Last night I was determined to go to bed early, after I finished just one more quick section of the project.  I figured it would take maybe five minutes.  An hour and a half later I was finally done.  And of course I was absolutely stubborn and had to finish it.  At any rate, this is how I found myself watching The Smurfs from 12-1 this morning.  Not the new movies, but the old cartoons I used to watch as a kid.  It was a very nostalgic night last night.  I also watched Looney Toons, and I may yet do a post on that, but tonight is for smurfs.

The last one is quite the shoe, huh?  I do love a theme shoe. :-)  Growing up we had a black and white TV.  I can't remember when we got a color one, but I do remember watching cartoons in black and white every Saturday with my brother.  Sometimes we could talk my parents into cold cereal.

Look at how cute and snuggly we were!  We also had a wood stove, so if we got up before Dad the house was pretty cold.

Tonight I am determined to be in bed BEFORE midnight, regardless of the project.  Wish me luck!

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