Thursday, June 5, 2014

Turtles. Just Because

Well, I didn't make my goal last night of being in bed before midnight.  I crawled in at 12:08.  That sort of counts, right?  OK, not really.  Maybe if I shoot for 11:45 tonight I'll make it by midnight?  Oh well, the ongoing quest for a normal sleep pattern continues.

Let's talk about shoes instead of sleep.  They're more fun anyway.

 So, turtles!  Why turtles?  I think the question here should be why NOT turtles?  And for some reason that was the word that popped in my head when I sat down to write tonight.

And look how cute they are!  The hubby wanted turtles when we were first together, and I thought they were really cute, but then he decided he wanted bearded dragons.  Which don't look as cute on shoes.  I imagine.

And water is blue, so blue shoes.  Even better!

Did I mention I like the blue?

Oh man, these are cute.  If I didn't hate the think between my toes, I would definitely want these.

I like the turtles on the heels.  The shoes themselves are way too clunky, though.

Are these supposed to look like they're made out of turtle shell?  With little turtles on them?  Isn't that mean to those poor turtles to make them sit on shoes made out of their own shells?

And that's enough out of me for one night.  There is a spreadsheet with my name on it, and then to bed.  No, really.

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