Thursday, July 10, 2014


There are a million quizzes on Facebook right now.  Answer 10 or so questions and you can find out what color your aura is, or who you were in a past life, or what your real name or age is, and all kinds of silly things.  I took one recently that said I am 57% a lady, it even labeled me a "classy" lady.  Oooh, fancy!  But I also took one that said I'm 42% bitchy, so I'm a "balanced" bitch.  So that's 99%, what do you think my other 1% is?  And does that make me a classy bitch or a bitchy lady? 

But "lady" just makes me think of Lady and the Tramp.  I'll never be as much of a lady as she is.  She was very classy.  So of course she's attracted to the bad boy.  And of course there are shoes.

Yep.  All cute.

Of course, the movie also has its share of bitchiness:

Definitely the definition of catty.  And I've been singing "we are Siamese if you please" all day.


  1. Love the first pair! ME

    1. Me too! I couldn't find any heels, though. Sadness.
