Friday, July 11, 2014

Off On A New Adventure

No, I'm not off on a new adventure, but the Pinterest Friend is.  I mentioned awhile ago that the PF and her family are moving to Idaho, and they actually left today. They are headed to Pocatello, and then probably settling in Idaho Falls.    In celebration of this new step on their journey, here are the latest batch of pins she sent me:

Hmmmm...would a bad witch wear these shoes?  Maybe the green ones?  Am I over-thinking this?

Apparently when you type "Idaho shoes" into the Pinterest search box you get a lot of shoes like this.  Heehee...I am making no judgments, casting no aspersions.  Not saying anything about how these might be similar to something that might come up if you replaced Idaho with Montana.

She said these also came up.  Why, Idaho?  Why?  They aren't as insane as these, and are actually a lot cuter, but I'm still rolling my eyes.  Hey, second cousins who live in Idaho, you're going to have to redeem the shoes of your state!


And I apparently haven't found the right pair of shoes yet.

No.  But not hell no.  Is that weird?

Snort.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure I look more like the bottom picture when I crochet.  But, unlike Morticia. I'm not making 3-legged outfits, so that's a plus.

That's the end of her most recent batch of finds.  Fun and eclectic as always! And now for my own tribute, which involves potatoes, because, you know, Idaho.

These are hilarious.  I probably need to serve these at a dinner party soon.

Is it weird that I like the inside of these shoes and kind of wish it was on the outside?  Also, I love Mr. Potato Head.  And Mrs. Potato head because she has multiple pairs of fun shoes.

So good luck, PF and family, on this crazy new adventure you've headed out on!  Enjoy living in the state adjacent to the prettiest, most awesome state in the world!

1 comment:

  1. Witches must have really strange feet because they're always pictured in shoes like the first ones. You should definitely serve baked potato shoes. ME
