Thursday, July 3, 2014

So This Happened

Yep, I knew it was going to happen.  I mean, it already did, but it happened again and this time the puppies got a pair of my heels:

Apparently, once again, I left a door open just enough for them to work their way through it, and they got this one.  I actually haven't looked to see if they got into the closet to get any others.  I can only deal with one chewed shoe at a time.  I'm actually not as upset about it as I thought it would be.  I mean, I'm definitely annoyed with them, but at the same time, it's only a shoe, and one of a pair that was on a rather reduced sale if I remember right.  I was about to do a shoe purge anyway, apparently the puppies were just trying to be helpful.

So, puppies and chewing.  Let's look at other pictures of those topics.

These are just weird.   The bootie is ugly, the heels are colorful but really really odd.

This one I just find funny.  I'd never wear them, at least not more than once.  Novelty shoes are more fun in pictures, I think.

And cute puppies who aren't chewing on shoes.  This one does not seem overly excited about wearing slippers.  Why would (s)he? These slippers look like it's little face, and this poor puppy is probably worried about also being made into slippers for some other dog to wear.

Heehee.  So furry and teeny.

Awwww....sleeping puppies are always so sweet.  Mostly because they aren't chewing or pooping on anything.

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